Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Social Experiment Case Studies on Content Thieves

Well , on my youtube platform , I have been postings , paradically and trying to do things a little Bit different since I know that there are copycats that are hot on my trail. I am truly the ghostreader of the virtual tarotland. I notice when I say certain things (some are codes on purpose to see if they will snatch them) I notice the karmicqueshas will repeat it in some form or fashion, they will have a response to whatever I said. It's like a verbal Morse code type shit. 

Spiritual Narcs Love to mimic your movements.They look at you as some type of lab rat and run tests on you, put you through trials to study how you overcome the obstacles and pretty much model themselves after what you just did. Hoping to eliminate you and replace you. This is a understudy NRG I been picking up on these past couple years. 

For instance Last month, I had to drag Chihuahua again for trying to snorkel in my energy by doing about me but disguising it for my zodiac sun sign. I don't want to be redundant here, but everything is already on my YouTube.So you will have to check that out and do some scrolling on my community tab. 
Youtube- @UrbanAlchemystic 

I do also pick up on the energy of some people who watch my blog and then use some of my Content for their videos. When I comment Just to test them they ignore my comment over Comments which gives me confirmation that that's they know what they did. 

What I noticed recently is that Chihuahua It's trying to mimic my spiritual routine by all of a sudden.Prioritizing spiritual baths when you can tell.That's not really her thing but because she goes on my channel with her many dummy accounts with her dumb ass  watching my posts about me taking my spiritual bath or song references about it And decides to post up a picture that she's taking a spiritual bath too. I have the screenshots so it is evidence collecting here. I posted on my community tab of how I like to chill in my tub Is taking my spiritual bath for hours. When I came out The bath tub the first thing that was on my T.V was a 1975 Classic movie called The Towering Inferno, which told Is me that Chihuahua is going to be facing yet another tower moment...The same tower that she wanted to fling In her spiritually invasive readings. When she sees my page I know she be feeling stupid Because she couldn't clearly see that i'm not affected By anything that she's trying to do And on top of that , i'm low key teaching her how I am protecting myself from people like her. Mind yew, this was on a Tuesday that day. I posted me burning incense with a black and white colored feather on the ground while I was on my veranda. Couple days later she finds a feather ðŸŠķ to post as well. This woman even copies.The angel number is that I see. Certain numbers that I see that indicate Twin Flame shit etc. Because she believes herself to be one but I know that she is not and only cosplaying as TF. She is an understudy who likes to enmesh herself with who she wishes she can be, while trying to dethrone and demonize her target. 

I also noticed that larger channels do this as well.I'll mention something in one of my videos.And they will respond to it as if I triggered them. 😆 These are b****** that swear.They don't watch me but they always seem To say the same things that I say but they just remix it for their crowd.  It's mainly the spiritual Christian readers that do this.They love to talk down on things that they don't know anything about, but they love to use our spiritual jargon.And knowledge for their benefit. They're not even interested in helping the collective for real But they are more so interested in becoming a celebrity. That's why they're obsessed with celebrities and enthralled with doing celebrity readings and then they complain when they are getting gangstalked Is or cypress spot to by that same celebrity and their peoples. 

Another thing that I notice about spiritual narcissists.Is that right after they copy off of someone?They immediately mention copycats in their content as a way of disassociating from what they literally just did to another person. That's how I know they are responsible because they will come on complaining about other people doing it To them which is confirmation of the declaration that I made about how if anyone takes for me, Several people will take from them. I said this because I know When I say something It does come about. So that's why I laugh when I see them complaining about people Is taking from them because that's what They have done to me and other people with smaller channels. They need US we ain't NEVER needed THEM! MAKE NO MISTAKES ABOUT IT!

Now you know how it feels to work on something and have someone snatch it from you because they want to be a damn celebrity, and obsessed with pimping their viewers for energy and money. Even in my videos responding to Chihuahua.I mentioned how much she and other readers beyond my dick So much that they'd be wanting me to post.And I ended up hearing a reader(who also is content thief as well)  literally say the exact same shit That I said to this girl in her virgo reading about them wanting me to post more so that they can steal. These girls know that I'm on to them.That's why they want to repeat back things some of them, even though I don't care for them or we may have disagreed in the recent past, ecen they ended up picking up the real energy of what was going on. What was going on between me and the girl So I guess in that way , they was telling the story right so I wasn't tripping tho. We divines give these people storylines for them to read on when they're tired of reading their own rancid NRG. Now I did give permission to read on that certain situation so it's whatever just tell the story right cuz I would do the same for you even if I don't like you. 

This is why I don't post as much because I know how much these girls are on my dick for content but will lie to their crowd that it's the other way around. That's whether suffering in other areas of their life and they are in continuous loops. All their readings are very Repetitive and negative which is pretty much their dysfunctional lives spilling all over the screen. Many of them pick up on their own energy when they're doing collective readings, so it's not really about the collective.It's just about them getting at certain bitches that they don't like. It just so happens to apply to other people who are on the same shit or vibration. Sometimes they have low key confessions of what they're actually doing Disguising them as another person or as "the karmic" 

The ones that actually have the genuine gifts are the ones that are getting taken from. We are the spiritual sweatshop for these people to keep their channels up. So I urge other content creators do not post as much on certain platforms where you are experiencing Spiritual Plagiarism and Sabotage of Views/Engagement or find another platform to post your creative content for the time being. You have to starve out the energy vampire so that they will find somebody else to feed off of.  

Recently I did a video called "YOU HAVE THE CUNNING" I spoke about religious conformity and how to break the mold in the few other things. The same girl that was plagiarizing off of me last year, using my old downloads for her platform, started speaking about religious ppl and tried to avoid using the same words in my video so bad. I knew that what I was saying in my video.Inspired her to do it because it was like a short video that was off-the-cuff.I can tell it was very last minute because I posted my video um and premiered it late at night. I got fifty views on there and at first I noticed the system loves to play with my views making it seem like I am not getting much views but obviously ppl are watching for them to parrot back my shit. They want to be on the cutting edge of what the real talented people are doing so they can stay on top of it and snatch whenever we come up with anything. I got screenshots of that and I already clock there a few months ago For literally doing.
The same thing.I actually made a whole video about it called "CONTENT VULTURES"  this the same bitch, just noticed that yesterday. She only talked about the religious part but didn't mention anything specific that I said.Am I reading and I felt like that was intentionally done so it doesn't seem obvious. They watch readers on youtube including myself and they take notes 📝 📋 Then they create their videos if it's not a live stream.  They basically put it all together so it'll be a little bit of you and a little bit of someone else, Never any effort of creation on their part. 

That's why when they complain about their views, Copycats, Ghetto be love stories And butt hurt confession I don't give a fuck I laugh after  Because everything that they've been dishing out since they've been watching me secretly, Deep in getting it several times over. The bullshit Will stop when you stop being on that bullshit. STR8LIKEDAT ðŸ’Ŋ 📠 😏 ⚠️ 😆 👁 

So i'm a sit back and Collect my.
Evidence, and just wait for a bit to say something. I let people dig holes for themselves while I collect and gather data. Because I know what they're doing And the guilt is eating at them so much that they have to mention it in a video. They have to catch themselves responding to me and they feel like they got squatters rights over my NRG, that's how long these hoes been snorkeling in it. That's why they're taking law because they wanted to gain off of my creativity, They wanted to feed off of my ideas.So now you have people doing it to you good fi yuh RASSSSSSS 😆  
And it will keep happening until you stop.