Tuesday, November 26, 2024



The psychological download I got today: The science behind a karmic copycat crashout karen is TRANSIENT NRG. ( this not a dig to those divines who have suffered being unhoused, I am speaking on the darker aspects of a particular personality) That's what I picked up on this individual who has been jacking my content they are Transient Drifters and Scammers, Finessers and often use glamour and victimhood as a lure to attract ppl who will enable them and feed their insatiable false ego. They are very random, inconsistent, and often go from one series of extremities to the next. Not very stable, often desperate and stuck at the mental age of when they experienced the most trauma. These types join spirituality solely for money and to be in close proximity to trashy public figures. They are riddled with many entities, as their vessel is like a 7-eleven, always open and willing at the entities' convenience, they help each other go places. πŸͺ 😈 Copying, Lying, Scamming is embedded in their mainframe, literally on autopilot with no pause for reflection whatsoever. Their entities are obsessed with power/admiration as much as they do, it's the perfect pair. Look at their eyes, you can see how deceptive and how dead inside they truly are behind the cheap glam and plastic smiles. They will constantly replicate every aspect of you to assume your spiritual identity, use you as involuntary muse, and make you their scapegoat in order to ultimately replace you. They constantly change their name and locations, and go from one grift to another, ONCE THEY KNOW THEY ARE ABOUT 2 BE EXPOSED. Their entities will flare by being super performative and combative towards The Original...and this will force them to tell on themselves in a roundabout way. I can read NRG from a picture, text, voice, etc. I can see how deceptive and sneaky they look by their gaze and unnatural facial expressions. Once they are exposed, they prep for their escapes and sob stories, assume another identity, and hop on the next lucrative grift smoking. THESE are the types to weaponize their social clout they acquired through scams and stolen work, against the Original/Source ( aka target) I noticed they all have the same exact energy, triggers and main objectives. THE CASE STUDY πŸ“‚CONTINUES πŸ•΅πŸΎ‍♀️πŸ₯ΌπŸ§€πŸ“‘πŸ“πŸ§ΎπŸ”¬


Reaction Rant & Revelation: Skai Jackson Pregnancy News AZAELIA BANKS IS AN ORACLE CUZ UM... FULL CIRCLE MOMENTS

 Azaelia Banks is an Oracle πŸ˜†. When she call muvafuckas out, it comes to pass. Say what you want! I was on her side when it came to the Skai Jackson thing everybody thought it was cute for a 14-year-old to argue with a grown woman online about another grown man as if that was her man or something. The fact that because people don't like Azealia banks, they decided to support Skai Jackson who was 14 years old at the time trying to down talk an adult as if they are each other's equal. Skai Jackson knew that because a lot of people don't like her that it would be an easy drag. The things Azealia Banks said about her may have been abrasive but Skai should have stayed out of grown folks business. Like come on yo, you wouldnt say that to her face. Azaelia was on point in her rebuttals and I already saw the writings on the wall with that situation as well. Revisit the situation between Azaelia & Skai and peep what she said about her. Here we are today and she's Knocked Up by some tragic mulatto pookie. She wasn't different from bhad baby after all, she even got called out by another young lady who was a babyma of some guy Sky was messing with and mind yew, this was when she was 16. Texting the girl BD saying "my pwussay is yours" and the general public shrugged it off like the girl was lying. I never thought she was but I think you guys should revisit that situation as well. What I'm trying to say is she been showing you guys what she is about from when she was younger. No one never held her accountable so it's no wonder she is in the current situation she has now. As young and beautiful as she is, came from a good life, she could have honestly just focused on her career and traveling the world... instead of worried about having situationships with raggedy poopbutt ass niglets. She had access to higher value males once she reaches a certain age and her brain develops all the way which would be the age of 25. She could have had it laid all out for her but no she wanted a thug. That's why it's important to call s*** out and hold people accountable before it gets out of control and Avalanches into a bigger situation. 

Azaelia is no angel, but at least she doesn't lie about who she is and people love to drag her but will baby Kanye about his mental health. No one gave Azealia Banks the same Grace all those should be saying some stupid s*** sometimes I overall love her and think she's iconic. I love crazy ppl! She tells the truth about celebrities that love to play in your face. Just like that situation where that lady died from BBL surgery who was the baby mother of DC Fly Young, how they treated her on that show Wildin Out was deplorable. And that guys babyma died on her bday some shit. She is definitely a Marina 🧜🏾‍♀️ and she is an Devotee of Santa Marta La Dominadora so she my kinda gworl.

Sunday, November 24, 2024

Toxic BW YouTubers (BWE Divestor Femininity channels) Dissociating/Mishandling Their Influence, Fake Beef for views/likesetc.

 I already know that a lot of these women and the little fan girls love to watch me because yesterday I did a pop-up live stream discussing a current events and I did mention that sector and various sectors that go to war with each other. I mentioned that the main reason is indirectly or directly has to do with males and the patriarchal system. It's not breaking news that we Women have been affected by it for many centuries. Many of these black woman channels and mixed women channels all came from them arguing about what black men wanted okay. They could try to make it seem that it's not about dick but that's what it's always been about. It's always the same denominator triangulating black women light skin black women mix women and non black women. It was about what black males found desirable and of course it took a life of its own after that and became a cult. I noticing a lot of them are trying to moonwalk away from the reason why they actually did start their channels. Some of them even had I affiliations and I believe it was based off of insecurity and wanting to compete. When they felt like they couldn't get the approval of these black males that is when they decided to start their channels as a clapback. Now when these talking points are brought up I noticed that they always try to romanticize their childhood and upbringing stating that nothing was wrong so that people won't use it as a talking point. All I'm seeing is black Mammy versus exotical Mammy πŸ˜† 🀣 in social media, especially on muvafuckn YOUTUBE. Especially when it comes to this exotical Trophy Wife Mammy chick in her story that's been quite viral lately. All of their channels were created to compete with each other over black male approval. It's almost like it's a sibling rivalry or something it's very strange. And I noticed on either parts of the spectrum they have gained a Colt like following that if you dare to say anything that is logically unbiased, they jumped down your throat. Or the content creator will make subliminals about you because they seen you on their Ops channel. This actually happened a few months ago and I addressed it in my community tab like b**** I don't know you You are not my friend I am not a part of your little cult I can comment on whatever the f*** I want to comment on. I'm not one of your little fangirls so FOH. I even left a comment cuz I know they was trying to target my NRG. Because the content creator and their viewers be watching me on the sly. How I know two words "SELECTIVE MORALITY " which was a phrase I came up with in my community tab when I was speaking about some current things that were going on back in 2020. Literally one day later bwe/divester channels used it in their video title. I also think they're cold like following loves to present other people to their content creator to ask them what they think about them. Because you know these b****** can't think without their favorite content creator. I keep telling you I'll stop worshiping and idolizing these content creators especially the black ones because they are 99% frauds. Every time they get clocked they try to moonwalk and act like nothing applies to them. As I stated in my live stream that if we take blackmail influence out of the equation there wouldn't be much to fight about but of course humans will always find some way to conflict. But at least it won't be about them although we all have been affected by patriarchy and realistically it would take time to unpack and unlearn. But I'm seeing that most black women don't even want to do that labor and just women in general. Decentering men as far as my understanding is not really about hating men but basically putting yourself first and putting up a big fat middle finger up at societal norms. They are women that still want to be under the thumb of patriarchy and that's their personal choice but they shouldn't be worried about what everybody else is doing. That's more guys for you to date AKA that's more dumpster diving you can do so everybody wins right? πŸ˜† 🀣 πŸ˜‚ 😹 πŸ˜† 🀣 

Anyways a lot of content creators from different sectors love to watch people in the spiritual Community such as myself that's where they get their little talking points when it comes to astrology and the occult. I can also tell that some of them use glamor Magic and dark psychological tricks to attract people to their channels. They act and move like a digital dictator and even their fans are afraid to talk to them you can hear their voices tremble. They're so scared to go against their favorite content creator they literally made these people deities of YouTube. Whenever I see that type of energy I pull it back and I just observed because these women will try to force you to pick a side. And when you do pick a side they will mince people with superficial criteria and become very gatekeeping or elitist. Especially in Black YouTube spaces because black people are always looking for a savior or a leader of some kind. They love to have these extreme parasocial relationships with black content creators as if they are God and they are not.

I just find it interesting that right after I did my live stream all of a sudden this YouTuber cimes in a few hours later, the same day trying to debunk what I said to no avail, just more excuses and giggles. The reason why this person even created a channel was because black males were being colorist towards them but  will claim they never experienced it. First this person in particular said that they were raised by their mom Now they're saying that They were raised with both parents... Maybe at some point... I don't know But all of a sudden they have this close relationship with their father that they didn't mention before are all these years. This person was affiliated with an OG black woman basher from years ago. Once these women get burned/rejected By their kangs then they go on a whole tangent, creating communities, waging war but they secretly want them back. All you have to do is pay attention to the subject matter and how constantly they talk about the same things over and over.  Whether they make exceptions to the rule or not, niggas is still on their noggin. Nothing wrong with having spaces where you can safely talk about things and vent but then it starts to become a cult where they attack anyone with a differing and unbiased opinion. They start to mince blacks by lineage,  skin tone, hair, features and finger wag "well you have this.... that's why BMs like you more so I don't fuck with yall either" it's always about NIGGAS with these bitches. The crazy part about it is either side of the spectrum they have good talking points and I'm the type of person I like to see what everybody has to say. I've commented on some exotical Mammy-esque channels and I'll commented on some black Mammy-esque channels to try to bridge your Gap but they're not interested in doing any of that. They only care about what they want or I should say who they want. Either way you slice it it's about dick and this person seen my comments before in the past and answered to the subliminally. But I had already gotten likes on my comment from other people that watched her so content creators like to do that because they're jealous that you think different from them and you don't lean on just their perspective/understanding. It starts to become a trauma Bond before you know it and if you don't participate they will punish you and excommunicate you from their little heavens gate cult. Like I said in a bwe video that I did back in 2021 I think. I did comment and left the link to someone in this CCs comment section. I KNOW some ppl from her sector watched it, including herself. Because days later she made a video and pretty much said similar things which is fine. Fair enough as I used their talking  points before and they used mines. A lot of these large content creators love to comb through small channels to see what everybody else is talking about, so don't think they don't take some things as a to-go plate on the way out. They will address in their latest livestreams and make subliminals and the fans will encourage them into throw shade at people. Again weaponizing their social clout against other smaller youtubers. Whether it's a spiritual Channel or a secular Channel they all do it. The gag is they actually think that they're following are idiots and their flying monkeys. They talk down to their following no matter how much they praise them and kiss their ass. You can hear the arrogance in their voice as they brush them off and tell them to hurry up with what they're going to say. These are black women channels that are doing this s*** and you know what most black women aren't going to bat an eye because they're used to being talked down to it's like a kink to them. I used to listen to some of these ladies until I noticed they started mincing black people and on top of that they allow their fans to be very messy in the comment sections. But of course that doesn't surprise me as most black women have the mind of a junior high school student regardless of age group. They secretly care about n****** and what they want and think they can try to intellectualize it and dress it up but that's all I'm seeing here. I know they love to watch spiritual YouTubers and take a lot of what we say and put it in their videos. They're following has no idea and praise every little thing that they do which is very basic. Like I said in my video in 2021 when I addressed to these spaces I said that you don't know what type of life these ladies live after they click that Red X on the screen and close that laptop for the day. It's basically monetizing off of the insecurity of other black women. Now of course a content creator can do just as good as they do bad out there. Even the most toxic YouTuber can help at least one person indirectly even if they are fake as f*** and don't live exactly what they preach. So it can do some good and I'm not denying that at all but I do feel they abuse their influence. 

I was watching a video by Quinn from Assc Direct and he was talking about how a lot of these social media influencers lack social skills in the real world, when they try to apply their persona to everyday ppl off the internet and I agree with that.  Here is the link to the video https://youtu.be/2iL9EXsC8zc?si=UF0Sskn7YelqF5tR

Online they may have a huge presence but an everyday life it may be a different story and it gets lost in translation. The digital world in the real world are two different places, water and oil type shit. I do feel that certain content creators are able to be seen because of the messages that they give that fits the agenda to divide and mince people specifically BLACK PEOPLE etc. If you join a group for dark skin women than you will have other dark skin women saying you're not dark enough for their group or they'll say well you have this cultural background so black men will want you more we don't like you bye. If a content creator doesn't address the b******* in the comments that means they mentally masturbate to it because they know they see it Period they respond to it in their latest videos of the comments they see. They don't pay attention to the comments they kiss their ass, they'll respond to it but they don't necessarily care because that's what they're accustomed to. But what they really zero in on are the comments that are clocking them, the comments that are trying to bridge the gap or call out the BS. 

I wouldn't be surprised if all of these ladies in the bwe divest your spaces are all in on it because they all know that they're stan bases are impressionable idiots. When people try to appear like they're too perfect and they didn't have any issues that should raise a red flag. Because based off the subject matter and what you choose to focus on it tells a much different story than you're telling. That's why it's important to not join any of these Internet cults, because they will cyberstalk/cyberbully you if you don't shine the pedestal of their youtube diety or go along with everything they do. They want blind loyalty while telling the masses they don't care about youtube and don't need this etc. If you are a person like me, you don't do groups of any kind and you have a keen eye for spotting toxic group dynamics when everyone else is oblivious to it. Although a lot of the things that they say are true I can't help but to notice how unhealed a lot of them are behind the bravado and the facades. Especially when it comes to a black women content creators acting like they have all the answers when they haven't even done any inner child work at all. But somehow they are obsessed with trying to appear that way to flex for Their audience. You're insecurity shows through what you focus on and the decisions that you make, also how you regard other black women. I guess the main takeaway point of this video is to see what everybody has to say and come up to your own conclusions, but don't join any groups or cults because you don't know these ppl or their true intentions. You don't know if they are models of their talking points, even if it's presenting perfectly, nothing is what it seems. Take what you can from it and apply it to your life responsibly; do not compare yourself to these people who are most likely living a lie and playing in your face.  It's like black youtube is an inner city day care for muvafuckas who are mentally bebe kids....FOREVER. please take a mental diet from their content and don't have these ppl create unnecessary enemies and reinforce your doubts and fears.

El Fin