Saturday, April 27, 2024

Tarot Professional Hacks When Dealing With Clients

Today is saturday april twenty seventh twenty twenty four and it is two thirty eight pm pacific standard time. 4/27/24 2:38pm PST

Today I decided while taking calls to play a energy vampire frequency from a youtube channel called Luminarian777. Before even starting my shift , I had already set a very strong intention for the type of Energies that i'm willing to mesh with in giving my spiritual services. My Spiritual Gang Gang Gave me an instant download when I had a returning client call coming through. It immediately told me that I needed to play energy vampire frequency and keep it on low volume to where I can mostly hear it. The last time I was on a call with a person.They were indecisive and kind of you know.Working through their overthinking, which is totally normal.But they were very long winded and projected confusion throughout several portions of the reading. However , I was graceful about it as we are all human and sometimes it takes a while for other people to process the information that's being given in reading. So that caused the session to prolong itself but I ended up finishing strong. But today they decided to call again asking about the same  Romantic person of interest. They attempted to ask me about the person as if it was a new person. First they had Pronounced it one way and I repeated it.And then they gave me a similar pronunciation of a different name if that makes sense. My memory was immediately jogged, And the repeat client proceeds to ask the same questions in which I already gave answers too. This time around I decided to be more short with my answers and also recapping the last reading to her to remind her of what the energy of the situation was. I also let her know that the energy has not changed.And that for her to follow her gut.However , she is still grappling with accepting the situation for what it is. In the midst of that was when my spare guys told me to play the energy vampire frequency and did you know that she ended up getting off of the phone within minutes. I repeated the same messages from the last reading and also reiterating with the current spread.Which all pretty much said the same thing. Compared to the previous calls, she was a very long-winded.And when I play the frequency, she didn't do that.She rushed off the phone and didn't really have anything else to add to it.Which I find was very interesting. All I am gonna say is that the frequency worked! Sometimes when your spiritual council guides you to do certain things such as like today.Play an energy vampire frequency or take a spiritual bath.Or run to the botanica to get some spiritual goodies.I follow everything that they tell me to do.Because it's for my highest good. So that is my Tarot professional hack that I will use. I usually don't play any music During client calls or anything, not even for chats. Not only play music when I'm doing my YouTube Videos and my social media live streams on other platforms. I listen to frequencies when I go to bed and sometimes throughout the day when i'm at home. But I will be sure to play these frequencies while working to weed out NRG Vampires and Karmic NRG that may try to use vessels to pry, probe, and disturb my vibrational frequency. I'm willing to do this In order to filter out the type of client that I receive. So if that means having less clients, Then I am totally fine with that.Because at least I have my peace of mind.And not accumulating any carmic energy from other people. Where I can still share my gift but in reasonable doses. I'm doing this because I want the right clients to find me and I have talk to some Of them were absolutely amazing and I knew right off the bat that they were serious about their personal growth and the steps to take to get there. Those are the people that I do this for and I will always continue to do this for. So that is my hack and I wanted to share with any of the readers and spiritualists out there who do divination and other never says to play that frequency to filter out these entity attached to energies that use people to do these thing Not saying that anyone is a bad person. Of course but just that they are usable with these entities and literally at their disposal. I still stand on my observations that these people come from YouTube tarotland And we're most likely following karmic reader channels and personalizing their harmful and delusional "collective" readings that are meant to be general. They honestly keep the cycle of delusion going and divine readers and spiritualists are the clean up men and clean up women of this monstrosity. There's not even too many of us out there like that as it is and this is the reason why many readers take breaks from personal readings or decide not to do personal readings altogether. Even the ones with platforms will choose not to do it.And most of the time with good reason, I feel because they cancede in their comments section those same type of clients who are trying to personalize general readings, in trying to make fetch happen in karmac loop relationships. They feed off of each other and it's pretty obvious at this point. Karmic readers enforce delusions and Stagnant cycles and all this for 1 cent 5 cent 10 cent dolla 😆 😆 🤣 😂  🫠🥴

I prefer to attract high quality clients in any Avenue that I'm in. So I will do what it takes to filter them out so they can go to readers that matched their own low vibrational frequency. I also may really nice updates to my own Given nation business website and I will focus more on making that a priority to continuously  promote. All I want to say is big up to my ethical and truly gifted readers and spiritualists out there because it's not easy being us and having to clean up the mess that karmic readers/karmic spiritualists leave behind. I'd go as far as to call ourselves the spiritual sanitation department because that's literally what we do. Let's keep fighting the good fight for all the people out there who are willing to grow and change and be there for them just like we wanted someone to be there for us. Always practised spiritual self care , such as taking spiritual baths, Exercising, Going to a beach or a lake, Curling up with a nice book and a hot cup of glass of wine.Honey whatever you want to do. Remember to always put yourself first in any profession and do what you have to do to make things easier for yourself. 

Wednesday, April 24, 2024


 I decided to do some research on how to deal with toxic tarot clients/karmic clients. I see some spiritual professionals share their stories and also looked up tips. Some of the tips I was happy to know that I was already using such as setting the attention of having a certain NRG of clients that I prefer contact for services instead of others. Intent matters!

Link to the discussion I am currently reading

When I asked the great ancestors of Le'Google

Here are the signs of a toxic tarot client

Some signs of toxic tarot reading clients include:

Ignoring reality and focusing on what the cards say, especially when they don't match

Seeking emotional consolation from tarot

Expecting the reading to reinforce their current beliefs and wants

Asking multiple readers the same question to get what they want to hear

Calling back repeatedly with the same questions 

Tips on how to deal : Here are some tips for dealing with difficult tarot reading clients:

Set intentions that only the clients who are right for you will find and work with you

State the kind of reader or service you provide on your site or before you begin

Try compassion before you speak

Have the right to stop a reading

Ask what card represents your biggest challenge right now

Be polite but assertive when stopping the reading 

via-Youtube Community post 4/24/24

As Divinators and Spiritualists we know when client are trying to test us by withholding information until the cards reveal what it really is, that is when they open up and spill the details. But before they do that they will pretend like it doesn't resonate or register until my intuitive fact finding has their memories jogged allofusudden. Usually I find they are hiding the role they play in the situation thinking we are not gonna pull it up..

For instance, I can have Client Jane Doe, who REALLY has John Doe on her mind and in her NRG however she's asking about Jake Doe instead. If the cards reveal something positive about Jake Doe, Jane will attribute it to John instead, if i say negative about Jake, Jane will he satisfied, this a form of NRG manipulation and wishful thinking. I will pull up Jake Does NRGs and Jane Doe will tell me "oh that's someone else, that's a past person you're getting it mixed" 

No, actually I am not getting it mixed, that is your thinking of another while asking about a specific person of temporary interest, when you are really holding out for the past person after I revealed to you what they really on. So as the reading goes on the client will eventually tell the truth about the person they are asking for and when I look at the spread, that's I BEEN said to them. To be fair some people unintentionally forget certain details until it is revealed in the meeting. Other times, It makes me feel like some of them have a wishful thinking storyline that they hope will produce a desired outcome before inquiring services, And when it doesn't quite work out that way they will kind of eventually tell you but they will be appreciative that you did tell them you the truth. It really got me thinking about matters of the heart and how people wait for people with their heart even while dating other people. When they find someone who gives them what they actually desired.They try to come up with hypothetical scenarios to disqualify the person. Because they are still thinking about that past person and hoping that they re-connect with them instead. Someone will have the right guy doing all the right things but it won't be enough because they want the guy that doesn't want them as bad. I can imagine males going through the same thing as well Where are they meet a girl? They have a great connection with.However it's not gonna be enough if they are still focused on the past or the one that got away. Sometimes these karmic relationships/contracts connections overlap each other. Lately I've had clients literally lie about the person or try to manipulate the outcome fo the reading by mixing energies of two different people. I notice some TRY to confuse but to no avail as I am aware of their intentions Kim and when I told them the cards, they will say that it's someone else or that can't be true or they will say is that the other person. NAH it is true and you specifically gave me the name and that's what came up. A lot of people can be very deceptive and in denial about their romantic connections. I do understand that the heart want what it wants, however we also need to be realistic and practice radical awareness so that we don't repeat karmic loops over and over. I wanted to share this with other readers to look out for that if hasn't happened to you already. We get a mixture of ppl inquiring of services some divine some karmic some distorted..some floating between all 3 at different times.

I know when I am being lied to and I know when people are trying to play a game but I always end up pulling up the REAL NRG and have you spilling your guts at the end of the session like your on the First 48. Be mindful BELOVEDTS!

I do feel like many of the clients that contact us for services are usually the karmic in the situation, and will try to manipulate the readings by asking trick questions for one person and swapping the person's name based on what the cards show. Now I'm the least most judgmental person.So I definitely wouldn't judge anyone for being in a for example, A third party situation because things like this happen and we're all human. That's not what I have a problem with.But what I do find irritating is when people lie about the role that they play in the situation when I feel it's just best to keep it real with me and yourself. Because I'm going to pick up on it regardless.If you decide to omit certain details and I can understand if you just want to see if a reader is legit. But i'm talking about when people ask about a person of interest without letting you know what it's really about. I will always pick up on it Intuitively and then you will have to unass the whole story. Many have Wishful thinking and maybe a little selfish when inquiring about Inquiring about a romantic person of interest that happens to be in a long term relationship or married. Even after telling them what's the likely outcome they are very concerned about whether it is going to last if they end up sliding with that person period the way how I interpret that is they will fear that they will lose them how they got them. Now I do understand that some situations are more complex than others, especially in a spiritual sense.When a masculine is in a karmic relationship/contract to fulfill first, same with the feminine. I've been working for your psychic hotline and a chat line since since last month.This will be my second love.Actually and I noticed that different companies go about things certain way. Like the chat line that I'm with.I don't really get too much business.But I do feel like there's Some shenanigans going on behind the scenes where they give chat opportunities to people that they favor And also have been making subliminal shots towards the worms that they slowed down in their newsletters. I'm not really active on that platform.And I also noticed that they don't really care About helping the client properly navigate through their experiences but only to coddle them, under the guise of "empathy" Many of the people that Coming to the chat have already fumbled their relationships and will come on here and expect for others not to pick up on it.And when we give them the straight answers they drop the call for give bad reviews. Now personally I haven't had any reviews not good or bad. When I first got on there I was able to cash out within a few days so I know I got skills. I felt like some people behind the scenes like the moderators noticed that and decided to slow my cue down on purpose because they saw that I was getting results by just being me. It seems like it's not based off of your psychic abilities, off of trying to be the person's friend but more like an enabler to me. Some companies want you to lie to your clients.Which only exacerbates the situation?Because they're gonna call you back and say how wrong you are.And then you're gon to be in a bigger mess. So personally I prefer to tell the truth.Because at least I know that it's not going to fall back on me and I'm not gonna accumulate any negative karma.Just to make a dollar offer someone or to get a high amount of clients. I prefer quality over quantity.And I don't want to attract toxic clients to take advantage of my spiritual gifts and think that i'm going to baby them. That's not really how I operate.And I have ethics and integrity as a reader and spiritualist. They saw how fast I cashed out which is a $50 minimum.I was able to do that within a few days , I believe they got threatened and slowed down my queue so that I can eventually fade out. I just make sure that I log in for the minimum hours of the week even though I know they're not going to give me any chats. Now granted.I'm a new reader and it does take time to build up a clientele.But I do feel like they are doing something behind the scenes.And I did confirm that that was exactly going on when I did divination on it. 

Now for the psychic hotline like with the phones and stuff, I'm doing really good with that particular company and I like them wayyyyy better. I already have regulars that call me and today went exceptionally well Because I had back-to-back client calls.And made a total of fifty three dollars for today. Each client called back over and over for twenty minute sessions and some even called in booked a forty minutes session. I have noticed an increase in my clientele, Perhaps had something to do with the fact. I did a lower chakra's tune up last night. I also got good news! I just recently got hired for another psychic network! So that makes 3 now but 1 of them im inactivr but still logging in but I'm not worried bout them like that. I could tell they're trying to target my energy. Because when I make adjustments to my profile all of a sudden it becomes one of their thinkpieces. I no longer communicate on their little social media posts or news letters.And so they keep trying to Take subliminal shots by mentioning how you have to be engaged or encouraging me.You need to comment which I will not because I don't know what type of time you all are on. No thanks! Last week, I was logging on less.So they decided to mention that in their latest newsletter with all caps. Stressing about how you need to stay logged in from the minimum.But they know exactly why certain readers aren't getting any chats in their queue yet they will gaslight you like you did something wrong. I ain't trippin already did a reading on it and it's a little clique of top earners that make sure they keep it that way and divvy up the chats just for each other while others aren't getting any. I think many of them don't really have spiritual gifts like that or at least they half ass it, they should call their business FriendChat or EnablerChat instead. 

But anyways child, I got me another side gig with another psychic network and they do phones, chats, emails, and texts too so I am hella excited! I guess it really depends on energy compatibility.When it comes to these psychic network companies Some will resonate with you and others won't. Some you will excel in and others.You may struggle in depending on external influences that you can control. But I know it has nothing to do with my abilities because i'm very good at what I do. Lee psyche , hotlines and chat lines are very competitive atmosphere and everybody is scraping and clawing for clients. Many of the readers lie and pacify their clients just for the money,  I refuse to do that so that I may attract better caliber of clients. 

I'm also taking clients as well in my Seremein Ahari Tarotanica business, which is away from the psychic networks and on IG and have a website for clients to book services. I also notice that certain psychic networks do allow you to promote your business while on their platforms which is great. I'm also applying for other psychic networks and secular remote working opportunities too. Booked and busy will be my on-going theme for 2024 and beyond.