Monday, February 5, 2024

Addressing Oppy Tarot Readers The Down Spiral Of Karmic Readrrs in 2024! r

 Thus is a community tab post on youtube from 8 days ago. I'm documenting this as a Case Study I'm working on.. 

Practice what you preacha and #saymyname. Interesting how ppl duplicate my rants and reasonings, days after I do it literally making the same points but they spritual-christian wash my message for their audience. Gaslight you about plagiarism they have done then complain about someone else copying them in the next video, throw subliminals at what you post but can't @ nobody cuz they know what will happen. It's a mental game in #tarotland and I'm good at spotting the hypocrisy and secret agendas of ppl on here. That's why they are ALWAYS in sufferation. They secretly watch you then complain/judge about what you do. As if they room to talk if you look at their pattern of dysfunction progress as time goes on. Shorty DuWop had a Freudian slip not so long ago saying that they watch other tarot readings all day. Listen to these ppl, they contradict themselves several times in their readings. So you watch others readers Yeaahhh nooo shit columbo! I know my videos was the on the docket πŸ˜‚ Once they realize what they said they backtracked and said they watch themselves. In a previous reading she tells her audience that they are protected but they also have demons that are being sent to them to take their bootyhole. So which one is it? Are they protected or are they not protected? 🫠These are conflicting messages you can't tell these people this is what's happening to them when it's most likely happening to you ass... you just want to fling it on to somebody else. If are protected nobody's going to take their baaty in any dimension or astral scene. I have that experience personally years ago but once I learned how to protect myself it didn't happen ever again. Now when I go into the Astral I'm in control of my sexual experiences if I choose to have them. I don't get how these readers tell you in one breath "somebody's doing work on you nonstop" and the next breath "oh it's not working, you're protected. Sounds like a personal problem to me because if you're protected then none of those things would happen to you. You'll notice a little attempts but you'll be fine overall and it won't bother you that people are attacking you because they can't reach you. Niggas getting themselves in a frenzy over what other ppl do, like niggas gonna stop. You and your audiences are "woe is me" crybaby spurtual christians who trauma bond with you every video no different then the church.. go back and tell them you read tarot πŸ˜‚. They enjoy being talked down to like kids and having their paranoia and fears fed daily. Everyones emotionally exploiting each other πŸ˜‚ punking each other out. I like it when oppy muvafuckas unravel and become unhinged. It confirms everything I been saying since last year so go head get silly hoe, get delirious like Eddie Murphy. The truth makes these bitches pop-lock and make invisible points, "nameless" random rants trying to act like they speaking in general when it's directed at some ppl.. These "messages" they give conflict with each other all in one video. You can say in one breath somebody's trying to destiny switch and then a few minutes later say no one can take anything away from you. 🀨πŸ₯΄Your destiny is your destiny no one can take it away or do anything. They may be able to delay things but they cannot ultimately take what is your birthright. So who cares what people are trying to do if they can't achieve it. If you're protected then why harp on what the opps can never do then tell ppl not worry about it? It sound like you are projecting what you're going through behind the scenes onto your audience. Now your audience have a similar energy to you that's why you guys feed off of each other's recycled misery and delusion. 🧟‍♂️🧟‍♀️🧟If people are actually doing the work as they often claim, they wouldn't be experiencing the things that you constantly complain about, at least not at this magnitude. You mentioned my city and you also mentioned someone doing a tutorial video on candle magic I happen to have shared on yt and tiktok..πŸ€”πŸ§. wtf you going to do about it and if you in my city good im not hard to find really. Follow your own advice, say my name otherwise YEW STFU. I peep everything cuz once I say something about the tarot communitayyy, it does get ppl discombobulated and they start running outside breakdancing n shit.πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†.That's the effect I got on the fraudulent..Aye! Can't say I'm lying tho, I am living proof that what I do works for ME while you are spiraling out of control and sanity, hanging on to fairytales and fake religious morality foh yo. The truth unravels muvafuckas...lastly, I don't have the same problems you have and there is a reason for dat...#nextcaller 

Thanks for coming to my #TEDTalk

These readers on YouTube are very toxic and contradict themselves several times in one video. They will Gaslight you about plagiarism and then in the next video will complain about someone stealing from them. They're so stupid they can't even see that what they're doing is connected. When you take from others then others will take from you same way. I noticed that they try to be in sync with when I post my videos and live streams. If I post a live stream at a certain time at night because I live in a certain time zone, they will Premiere a video shortly after. That's how thirsty they are for viewership likes donations Etc. I do what I do because I love it. I noticed when I go on my live streams that the numbers go up and down because it be those b******. I can feel that energy they don't really say anything or like but they just noticed that I'm on live. Because they're so thirsty to keep the attention on them all the time, and the fact that I live in a different time zone where I could post later in the night, they tend to try to follow up with me. They really want to be in sync with what I'm doing even after I chose a time slot that they wouldn't be interested in. Then I would hear my energy when I listen to their readings for observation purposes. Now I listen to everything sped up at 1.5 and I put the closed captions on and I skipped through various parts of the video. But the parts that I skipped to will give me exactly what I need once I do it. If I post a video like recently I did a video addressing plagiarism from Chihuahua and this piss colored Pie Face chick does a video right afterwards and was smirking and saying oh you think that someone is taking from you and of course her reading ended up taking a different a direction which is fine. But it was the fact that that was the reason why she came on live to be low-key childish about it. Only for her to complain about the same thing that I'm literally complaining about in the next video. That's what your ass get you feel me. They'll steal from you and then Gaslight you and say ain't nobody stealing from you we all do the same this and that. The next day they come out with a video saying that somebody is stealing from them. So I guess because I'm a smaller Channel I'm not supposed to say anything when a larger Channel steals for me I'm supposed to just shut up. But it's okay for the larger channels who steal from others to complain about some s*** and get babied for it by Their audience. We not going for that over here so anyways whenever I post a video calling b****** out I noticed these b****** will respond in their reading videos. That's why I be telling you guys they don't do Collective readings, all they do is pull up their own energy the energy of their victim ass Collective that they read to, and also to take shots at other readers. That's pretty much what it is in a nutshell here. As soon as I call some s*** out for what it is then they want to respond to it. When I lead by example that's when they want to infuse their energy with Minds as if they're on the same type s***. I also noticed someone that was in their chat that you used to comment on my videos here and there but I knew that they were a fan of this person. When the reader was saying oh nobody's stealing you know this this and that they were in agreeance with it. But they also talk about people copying them and their videos so that'll make sense to me. I think people just don't want to hear about the f***** up s*** they be doing and they're too stupid and bullheaded to realize that they're getting back what they've been dishing out. But of course they're going to play spiritual martyr and distress and lie to Their audience to get sympathy and Payola. It's a pattern with a lot of them they'll talk a lot of s*** and then they'll get their ass handed to them but they'll try to reframe it as oh I'm chosen that's why I'm being attacked. No b**** you're chosen for karmic retribution and that's what you're experiencing. I'm watching these girls down spiral because everybody was talking so much s*** in 2022 and 2023 and now they're all getting their spiritual issues back. Even the little karmic reader click of friends have all backed up off of each other and are quarreling now. A lot of the readers that are all about the money you'll find them yelling on their videos and contradicting themselves several times. You can literally see how sunken in a lot of them look in the face and they're trying very hard to blend their energy with the divine feminine and the Divine masculine. Whenever they get hungry for energy that's when they want to read into mines and others in the collective. Because they know that can never be their energy you feel me? They get obsessed with our trajectory and we'll read on it whenever they need some sustenance but they know it doesn't apply to them. None of their readings are progressive either it's always gossip and negativity with a deck of cards. These people aren't happy they're trying to pretend I told you these b****** are actresses this is what they do. Anyone with discernment and have a brain will be able to see that they are going through their karma and it's not about them being chosen. I noticed a lot of spiritual and altruistic narcissists love to use the word chosen one, that's why I had to take it out of my vocabulary because I don't want to be confused with them n*****. A lot of them now are coming out with SOB stories doing all these transparency live streams because they know they about to get it and they have been getting it. I think a lot of them just try to overly post to try to throw things off as if nothing is happening to them but it absolutely is happening to them behind the scenes and they know it. The proof is in how you treat people, the proof is in your character and how you carry yourself, the truth is in the fruit that you bear. If those things are not in sync with each other, you're fraud simple and plain. It's just that people who love being victims love to watch tarot all day and they pick people who appeal to their negative emotions. And these readers take that and use it to their advantage every chance they get they are giving you doubts fears and spooky stories in their readings. Many of these things are projections of what's going on in their own lives so they tend to attract viewers who are just like them. They negatively feed off of each other and it's quite pathetic for my observation. Your readings should always be Progressive even if there is a negative undertone to it because of course life happens right? But you have to be more solution driven then problem oriented. You can't give anybody Financial readings when your priorities aren't even in order. You not can't give advice or make yourself out to be some Guru when you haven't even gotten your life together. Look how they treat their audience, some of these readers talk down to their audience and then come crying on the live video saying that they need money for this and that. And these viewers don't mind being used because they're toxic codependence, and they're very high-minded so they will do whatever these content creators ask. Then as soon as they get their footing they're back talking s*** to them again. It literally is a cycle with these people I've been observing their behavior and been speaking out about it since early last year 2023. None of their negative narratives about me checked out and they constantly watch me like I'm involuntary Muse and they like to use my intellect and downloads Etc spiritual Christian wash my messages and give it to their crowd. Then turn around and complain about somebody taking from them that's what you get. You take from me others will take from you and it won't stop unless you stop. Simple and plain now I'll be back with some more posts soon in regards to this.

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