Saturday, April 27, 2024

Tarot Professional Hacks When Dealing With Clients

Today is saturday april twenty seventh twenty twenty four and it is two thirty eight pm pacific standard time. 4/27/24 2:38pm PST

Today I decided while taking calls to play a energy vampire frequency from a youtube channel called Luminarian777. Before even starting my shift , I had already set a very strong intention for the type of Energies that i'm willing to mesh with in giving my spiritual services. My Spiritual Gang Gang Gave me an instant download when I had a returning client call coming through. It immediately told me that I needed to play energy vampire frequency and keep it on low volume to where I can mostly hear it. The last time I was on a call with a person.They were indecisive and kind of you know.Working through their overthinking, which is totally normal.But they were very long winded and projected confusion throughout several portions of the reading. However , I was graceful about it as we are all human and sometimes it takes a while for other people to process the information that's being given in reading. So that caused the session to prolong itself but I ended up finishing strong. But today they decided to call again asking about the same  Romantic person of interest. They attempted to ask me about the person as if it was a new person. First they had Pronounced it one way and I repeated it.And then they gave me a similar pronunciation of a different name if that makes sense. My memory was immediately jogged, And the repeat client proceeds to ask the same questions in which I already gave answers too. This time around I decided to be more short with my answers and also recapping the last reading to her to remind her of what the energy of the situation was. I also let her know that the energy has not changed.And that for her to follow her gut.However , she is still grappling with accepting the situation for what it is. In the midst of that was when my spare guys told me to play the energy vampire frequency and did you know that she ended up getting off of the phone within minutes. I repeated the same messages from the last reading and also reiterating with the current spread.Which all pretty much said the same thing. Compared to the previous calls, she was a very long-winded.And when I play the frequency, she didn't do that.She rushed off the phone and didn't really have anything else to add to it.Which I find was very interesting. All I am gonna say is that the frequency worked! Sometimes when your spiritual council guides you to do certain things such as like today.Play an energy vampire frequency or take a spiritual bath.Or run to the botanica to get some spiritual goodies.I follow everything that they tell me to do.Because it's for my highest good. So that is my Tarot professional hack that I will use. I usually don't play any music During client calls or anything, not even for chats. Not only play music when I'm doing my YouTube Videos and my social media live streams on other platforms. I listen to frequencies when I go to bed and sometimes throughout the day when i'm at home. But I will be sure to play these frequencies while working to weed out NRG Vampires and Karmic NRG that may try to use vessels to pry, probe, and disturb my vibrational frequency. I'm willing to do this In order to filter out the type of client that I receive. So if that means having less clients, Then I am totally fine with that.Because at least I have my peace of mind.And not accumulating any carmic energy from other people. Where I can still share my gift but in reasonable doses. I'm doing this because I want the right clients to find me and I have talk to some Of them were absolutely amazing and I knew right off the bat that they were serious about their personal growth and the steps to take to get there. Those are the people that I do this for and I will always continue to do this for. So that is my hack and I wanted to share with any of the readers and spiritualists out there who do divination and other never says to play that frequency to filter out these entity attached to energies that use people to do these thing Not saying that anyone is a bad person. Of course but just that they are usable with these entities and literally at their disposal. I still stand on my observations that these people come from YouTube tarotland And we're most likely following karmic reader channels and personalizing their harmful and delusional "collective" readings that are meant to be general. They honestly keep the cycle of delusion going and divine readers and spiritualists are the clean up men and clean up women of this monstrosity. There's not even too many of us out there like that as it is and this is the reason why many readers take breaks from personal readings or decide not to do personal readings altogether. Even the ones with platforms will choose not to do it.And most of the time with good reason, I feel because they cancede in their comments section those same type of clients who are trying to personalize general readings, in trying to make fetch happen in karmac loop relationships. They feed off of each other and it's pretty obvious at this point. Karmic readers enforce delusions and Stagnant cycles and all this for 1 cent 5 cent 10 cent dolla 😆 😆 🤣 😂  🫠🥴

I prefer to attract high quality clients in any Avenue that I'm in. So I will do what it takes to filter them out so they can go to readers that matched their own low vibrational frequency. I also may really nice updates to my own Given nation business website and I will focus more on making that a priority to continuously  promote. All I want to say is big up to my ethical and truly gifted readers and spiritualists out there because it's not easy being us and having to clean up the mess that karmic readers/karmic spiritualists leave behind. I'd go as far as to call ourselves the spiritual sanitation department because that's literally what we do. Let's keep fighting the good fight for all the people out there who are willing to grow and change and be there for them just like we wanted someone to be there for us. Always practised spiritual self care , such as taking spiritual baths, Exercising, Going to a beach or a lake, Curling up with a nice book and a hot cup of glass of wine.Honey whatever you want to do. Remember to always put yourself first in any profession and do what you have to do to make things easier for yourself. 

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