Wednesday, August 9, 2023


 Links to my latest reads addressing #karmicreaders in the tarot community and I also introduced astrology dice divination 🎲 🔮

Also refer to my community post on my YouTube channel, my main channel to be exact where I do expose those who have spiritually plagiarized off of my readings and downloads. In these video links above I go into detail through divination about a larger tarot channels stealing content from smaller channels. And this also includes medium size channels that are just short of 10K or in the 10,000s bracket. It's beginning to be extremely obvious even down to the premieres, the posting times, and now I'm noticing nose jewelry all of a sudden. A lot of my talking points are being parroted back to me and I find it quite amusing that I put myself right every time. I did say that I was going on a Hiatus in August which I have fell back a lot however, a lot of messages and downloads being hitting me and so Spirit doesn't want me to recline all the way back just yet. A lot of the readings I did are dated back to the last week of July and I set to release them in August. After those sets I can take my break fully and then re-emerge for Virgo season but this time I will switch things up and do my Virgo readings on my La Virgo Mafia Tarot #2 channel on the tube. 

It will be interesting to see what tarot land will come up with once I fully fall back. I noticed that it's been a little dry to the point where a lot of the readers have no choice but to read their own stale energy and also the still energy of their dumb dumb followers and subscribers. They're even starting to get annoyed with their own fan base which is hilar.

If you refer to my community post I showed one o these Bible humping spiritual Christian prophetic word ass bitches stealing my video title with screenshots to boot. What I noticed with these kinds of people is that they used to come from the spiritual Community but they got scared and went back to jesus. But that doesn't stop them from binge watching divination videos, taking notes and literally snatching our content and putting them out as so-called prophetic words. So it's a lot of people that use our jargon or talking points Etc from the spiritual Community but will turn their nose up at us any other time. But clearly we are your involuntary Muse AKA spiritual sweatshops that you guys can snatch content up off of whenever you feel like it apparently. Also, I screenshotted another reader who wanted to spiritually Gaslight and also plagiarize off of my themed tarot reading regarding spiritual plagiarism literally 3 hours after I posted mine. I feel like I have one of the most watched channels in the community however the likes and comments are very few in between and I know who my real supporters are and appreciate them. Other people come from other channels they are karmic groupies as I like to call them who act as surveillance. Not just that, I also feel like intuitively larger channels have fake accounts so that they can watch their competition. We are also spiritual sweatshops for larger Tarot and spiritual channels. I'm noticing they cannot keep up the charade any longer and they're trying to pacify each other within this karmic reader click through these fugazi ass readings. A lot of them tried to Vibe shift and even that facade is crumbling and falling apart at the seams. I noticed how desperate from material that they are and I feel like they have me and other smaller channels notifications on cuz literally every time we post a video they post several after that. They're hoping that if they band together and continue to crumb snatch up off of us, that we will somehow be backed into a corner and throw our hands up and quit. And what if we do quit? You'll have no choice but to come up with your own material which will just be recycled crap over and over again. I don't know about y'all, but the readings are very repetitive and stale for the past week or two it's like b****** is running out of juice. They're trying their best to cloak under Divine readers Energies as a desperate attempt to save them from their Mighty Fall which is inevitable and quite comical. Enjoy the links I gave you, and I'll catch up with you guys in the next blog post. Also I forgot to say I will be doing a Tarot podcast episode in the couple of days so stay tuned for that as well.

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